These are the 5 baby photo props you need to have on hand, so you can capture beautiful, high quality memories you will cherish for a lifetime.
When my first baby was born, the trend of getting professional newborn photography was just getting rolling.
Yes, that long ago!
And while I loved the idea of capturing each newborn photo of my baby to perfection, like most new moms, that wasn't enough. I was obsessed with documenting every milestone as she grew.
And I wanted the photos to reflect how truly magical each stage was.
Grainy, dark, slightly blurry images just wouldn’t cut it for my girl!
Back then, you needed a huge DSLR camera to get beautiful pictures, so along with that, a photo backdrop, and a couple of stand lights, my husband and I set up our very own baby photo studio in the garage of our rental house.
Thankfully, the process of getting amazing baby photos at home (without a photographer) is a whole lot easier now.
How to Use Baby Photo Props to Style Your Pics
So here's what I've learned over the last 8 years, photographing 4 of my own babies, and helping thousands of other parents capture their most precious moments in their first years with their little ones...
One of the most important elements you need in order to get great, professional-quality photos is a small collection of baby photo props.
As you'll see in a second, you can keep these very simple and still get great results.
You can gather them now and have them on hand for each monthly milestone photo or anytime Baby pulls at your heartstrings and inspires another photoshoot.
And you can use your photo props again and again to create a high-end, cohesive look to the pictures in your baby book throughout your little one's first year.
5 Must-Have Baby Photo Props
To get started, grab these 5 simple photo props to help you effortlessly style your baby and toddler photos to the level of any pro photographer:
1. An outfit you love and that’s comfortable for Baby
The first baby photo prop you need to consider is what your baby will wear. In fact, you can get away with just an adorable onesie and a pretty backdrop and still get a great photo.
Baby Photo Prop #1: Pick an adorable outfit or swaddle for Baby that you love
2. A pretty rug or blanket (that coordinates with the outfit)
For best results, make sure there’s some contrast between the color or texture of the rug or blanket and Baby’s outfit.
If your little one is a confident sitter, place the rug in front of a plain wall, or hang a white sheet behind them if you don’t have a wall available. You could also sit them in a cozy chair.
Baby Photo Prop #2: Choose a pretty rug or blanket for Baby to lay on in a color that contrasts with their outfit (PC @roseanna.and.co)
3. A headband, hat, or bonnet (if Baby permits)
Baby Photo Prop #3: Select some cute headwear for extra style
[4.] Cute accessories for your little one to hold if they’re old enough
For example, a pacifier on a wooden clip, a wooden rattle or teething toy, or a small stuffed animal can all make adorable additions to your photos.
Baby Photo Prop #4: Include a cute accessory as a prop to up-level your baby photos (PC: @jamiesyang)
[5.] The appropriate monthly milestone sign to track Baby’s growth during their first year
We’ve just released The Short Years 15 Baby Milestone Card Collection that matches the font and phrasing of the labels used in The Short Years Baby Book, so everything coordinates.
Baby Photo Prop #5: A milestone sign helps mark Baby's age each month as they grow
You can keep all of your baby photo props in one spot, so when you’re ready to shoot pictures, you’ll have everything you need to level-up your baby pics.
Gather some photo props from around the house, and if you’re looking for a little extra boost...
Hop on over and check out The Short Years brand new 15 Baby Milestone Card Collection now
The Short Years now has a set of Wooden Baby Milestone Cards that match the font and phrasing of the labels used in The Short Years Baby Book. They make a cute addition to your monthly photos and help you track Baby’s growth as they reach each new milestone.