The Short Years Baby Keepsake Box


The Short Years Baby Keepsake Box is currently sold out.

No more stashing Ziplocs of Baby’s hospital bracelet, first lock of hair, and baby teeth in random drawers mixed with paper clips, expired pizza coupons, and misplaced Scrabble letters.

Say goodbye to the dusty Amazon box shoved under the bed.

Now you can preserve your baby’s mementos — from the first ultrasound picture to those teeny, tiny baby shoes — and proudly display them where you can reminisce in peace…without worrying about trying to find where they are!

Introducing The Short Years Baby Keepsake Boxes

The practical way to organize your baby’s keepsakes all in one place — that also looks stunning on your shelf.

You’ll have fun treasuring up these special keepsakes, and you’ll know right where to find them anytime you want to look back and remember. And when you hold those itty-bitty objects in your hands, the precious memories will come flooding back.

Whenever your child wants to see what she looked like in mommy’s belly, you can pull her onto your lap and effortlessly show her the ultrasound photos.

And someday when your little one grows up and has babies of their own, you’ll be Super Mom with a gorgeous, compact baby keepsake box of memories to share with them.

  • When you order The Short Years Baby Keepsake Box, you’ll get the handmade (in the USA) keepsake box that perfectly fits The Short Years Baby Book or any standard baby book or photo book up to 11.5 x 9.25 x 2.625 inches. High-quality construction and materials protect your keepsakes for generations to come.

    There’s just the right amount of space to organize your most important items without feeling like you have to save every little scrap of paper.

    Plus, you’ll get the:

    • First haircut keepsake envelope

    • Baby teeth keepsake box (with chart to write the date each tooth was lost)

    • Bag for first pair of baby shoes

    • Bag for favorite pacifier

    • Envelope for ultrasound photos

    • Envelope & cards to make notes about your keepsakes

    All of which you can neatly tuck away inside the larger baby keepsake box.

    The baby keepsake boxes come in a beautiful neutral color that coordinates with any of The Short Years Baby Book covers.

    Exterior Dimensions: 13 x 9.875 x 7.125 inches

    Interior Dimensions: 11.5 x 9.25 x 6.75 inches

Introducing The Short Years Baby Keepsake Boxes

“At first I hesitated because of the price, but now that its stunning esthetic is displayed on our coffee table, I can say it is worth it! As a busy mom with very little time for DIY projects, The Short Years Baby Keepsake Box has helped me document many of my son's milestones in a quick, easy, and beautiful way. I know many other mamas struggle with documenting milestones from their child’s life due to lack of time, and The Baby Keepsake Box helps us ditch the mom guilt in minutes!”

— Ann H.

“Before I got The Short Years Baby Keepsake Box, I wondered if I really needed it or if I could just do something similar on my own. However, now I love that I have one elegant place to store and look back on these sweet keepsakes and mementos from these sweet early years of life. I love the little envelopes, bags, and containers to store each memento in, like little gifts, each one will be so well preserved over the years. I couldn’t have created something as nice and convenient as this box on my own. It’s worth it for sure!”

— Whitney Z.